
Blinking 2

Both eyes should now flash alternately in yellow!

If eye 1 is lit, then eye 2 should be off.

If eye 2 is lit, then eye 1 should be off.

The source code for eye 1 is already complete.

Compile the program and transfer it onto your BOB3.

If everything has worked correctly then eye 1 should flash yellow!

Now on to eye 2:

Compile and test your program on BOB3.
Compile and test your program on BOB3.
Compile and test your program on BOB3.
1: What would happen if the statement delay(2000); were added to line 4?
 You haven’t completed anything yet!
 Super, so far so good…
 Super, you got it all right!
 Sadly not correct…
 One answer is correct
 A couple are correct…